Nano24 is a clinical-stage company founded in 2020 to pioneer and commercialize the next generation of immunomodulators based on years of applied and clinical research on CD24 and exosomes.
Nano24 offers a cutting-edge remedy for the cytokine storm, an urgent unmet medical need affecting 80M patients annually without medical therapy.

Let's go beyond what's been done before.
We have a game changer!

EXO CD24 has the potential to treat many unmet
medical situations.

First step,
treating ARDS.

EXO CD24 holds promise for treating various urgent unmet indications without medical therapy.

First POC, treating ARDS

What is Cytokine Storm?

A severe and uncontrolled hyper-activation of the immune system caused by excessive and unrestrained release of many different types of cytokines and chemokines.

A major health concern with 80M new cases annually, extremely high morbidity and more than 20M deaths. 

An urgent unmet need with no medical therapy

no matter what is the cause (virus, bacteria, trauma, pancreatitis…), or to which disease it leads to (ARDS, sepsis, autoimmune disorders ….), EXO-CD24 is the solution

First in line- Acute Respiratory Disease Syndrome (ARDS) is a severe lung condition that occurs when fluid builds up in the alveoli, preventing oxygen from reaching the bloodstream. It is triggered by many different conditions, generally fall into two main categories: direct (infections, aspiration, toxic inhalation...) and indirect lung injury (sepsis, severe trauma, massive blood transfusions...).

ARDS can be life-threatening and currently there is no specific cure. Treatment focuses on supportive care therefore innovative treatments like EXO-CD24 could provide a much-needed breakthrough.

  • 3M new cases, high morbidity and 1.2M deaths worldwide each year!
  • ARDS accounts for 20%-30% of ICU patients with 43% mortality

Next in line is Sepsis. 50M cases annually worldwide and 10-60% mortality depending on severity (general, severe or septic shock)

No effective treatment currently available

Revolutionary Therapy for Cytokine Storm-related Diseases based on two cutting edge technologies:

The drug, CD24 - a novel immunomodulator that regulates immune overactivation without compromising the body's ability to fight infections.

The carrier, Exosomes - nano-sized lipid vesicles (30 to 200 nm), secreted by all cells in our body and play a critical role in mediating communication and signalling between cells.

Not a Vision.

A Reality.

Clinically tested on more than 250 patients with ARDS with over 4 years of follow-up

The Results

EXO-CD24 has an exceptional safety profile with promising efficacy:

  • No SAEs or even AEs related to the drug
  • No drug-drug interaction and low contraindicated comorbidities
  • EXO-CD24 Increases oxygen saturation
  • Reduces respiratory rate
  • Shortens duration of hospitalization
  • Lowers the numbers of ICU admissions
  • Reduces the need for mechanical and non-mechanical ventilation
  • Decreases inflammatory indices
  • Lower morbidity
  • Most importantly reduces mortality
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We save lives.

The right treatment at the right time, only to those in need...

A game changer for Health Systems around the globe

  • A one fits all solution at the common junction of the many medical conditions leading to ARDS.
  • EXO-CD24 is produced Effectively, Efficiently, rapidly, with high Repeatability and Reproducibility at a Low manufacturing cost.
  • Easy to administrate and dramatically reduces ICU admission rates



Nano24 is a medical startup that uses a cutting-edge technology to treat inflammatory diseases.

Nano24 develops a revolutionary drug using advanced nanotechnology that aims to provide a futuristic alternative to the common use of steroids, a wide platform for numerous indications.

The drug has been proven safe and effective for humans. With an experienced professional team, high equipped GLP lab and a strong IP, Nano24 has a breaking through technology; nanotechnology at its best.

Strong IP

Proven safe and effective

Smarter than steroids

Production is efficient, rapid and at a low cost

Wide platform for numerous indications

Exponentially reduces burden on Health Systems

Join us in driving forward this innovative, safe, and effective solution

Join us in driving forward this innovative, safe, and effective solution.